Dear Parents/Carers of Year 4 children,
I would like to provide you with some key points for the coming year.
Your child will be expected to remember their P.E day (Friday), library day (Friday), violin (Wednesday) and reading books.
All children to wear correct school uniform with plain black school shoes – no trainers please.
P.E Kit
Our P.E. day is Friday morning. Plain black shorts, plain red t shirt, trainers / pumps. No branded clothing. Send in a small drawstring bag. We can keep P.E kits until the end of term and then send them home for washing, if that helps. On the other hand, it’s absolutely fine to take it home each week.
Please note, if your child has red shorts from last year, they are allowed to continue to wear them, as we don’t want them to not get their full wear. Please ensure all uniform / P.E kit is labelled.
Day to Day Routines
Doors open: 8:35am Doors close at 8.45am (if you arrive after this time, please enter via the office) Home time: 3:10pm (we will hold any children that have younger siblings if need be)
Attendance and Punctuality
Please aim for 100% attendance each week and to arrive on time each day. Anything below 95% is now classed as persistent absence. Holidays will no longer be authorised.
School Fund: £10 per child / £12 per family Dinner Money: £12 per week. All payments to be made via ParentPay. If you can’t access ParentPay – please speak to a member of the team in the school office. Please add your phone number to ParentPay.
This year, the main focus will be on the learning and recall of spelling and times tables and reading. Please encourage your child to complete their homework – little and often is the best way to learn tables and spellings. Aim to read at least 3 times a week – make a note in reading records please.
Times tables
By the end of year 4, children are expected to know all times tables, up to the twelfth multiple. The children will sit a statutory test, on line. They will be given 25 questions, with 6 seconds to answer.
We have until June to learn all of the tables. Please encourage your child to practise at home. Parents, remember to have a go too. The children like to see us adults trying to keep up. J Good luck!
The test, I suggest they practise, is similar to the one they will be sitting next June. (Below)
Log onto Maths Frame, (above) Select multiplication and division, then multiplication tables test.
Your child will be given 10 spellings per week and tested on them every Friday. Once again, it’s important they learn their spellings and know the spelling rule that applies to them.
I thank you in advance for supporting your child at home. Please know that whatever your child does, in addition to what has been set, they are more than welcome to bring in and share - especially books they are enjoying at home, awards they achieve and anything related to their hobbies. It’s always a pleasure to learn more about the children we teach and good for others to be inspired by extra-curricular skills.
Good luck Year 4
Mrs Hulme