Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Evelyn Community Primary School Nursery.
We offer both 15 and 30 hour places.
The timings for the sessions are:
AM (15 hours): 8:30am – 11:30am
PM (15 hours): 12:00pm-3:00pm
Full Day (30 hours): 8:30am – 3:00pm.
Children aged 3 are eligible for their 15 hour universal offer and this is spread over three hours per day, Monday to Friday, either AM or PM.
You may be eligible for 30 Hours childcare meaning your child can attend the full day. Further information about eligibility can be found here:
If you are eligible for 15 hours but wish to do 30 hours, the cost of the extra sessions are £10 each day.
A fee of £3.50 per day is required to cover lunchtime supervision as the 30 hour funded entitlement does not cover the entire day. This is £17.50 per week. You can of course pick your child up for lunch instead if you wish to. Please make sure your child brings a packed lunch with them to Nursery.
Snack will be £1 per week for part time children and £2 per week for full time children.
Payments for snack and lunchtime provision can be made in advance on Parent Pay.
Children can attend from the term after their third birthday.
Please contact our school office if you would like to enquire about a nursery place.
Staffing in Nursery 2024/25:
Monday – Miss Markland and Miss Stockley
Tuesday – Miss Markland and Miss Stockley
Wednesday – Miss Markland and Mrs Brown
Thursday – Mrs Brown and Miss Stockley
Friday – Miss Markland and Miss Stockley
Lunchtime Staff: Mrs Heron and Mrs Urmston
In Nursery we follow the Early Years Framework. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.
Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.
These are the prime areas:
• Communication and language
• Physical development
• Personal, social and emotional development
Providers must also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The specific areas are:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design
In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately.
Three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:
• Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.
• Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.
• Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
We have a red jumper and jogging pants set which can be purchased from Top Form (NW) Limited based at unit 24, Sinclair Way, Prescot Business Park, Prescot (by Spaceworld). However, uniform is not compulsory for Nursery children. All we ask is that children come dressed ready for both indoor and outdoor play including suitable shoes with Velcro fastenings. Children may get muddy or wet when playing and exploring! Please bring in a spare change of clothes to be kept in Nursery. Also, please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled.
We use Tapestry, a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us. This is a free app available on both iOS and Android, or through the website We will also use this platform to share newsletters, reminders and notes to parents. We also love when parents/carers post on Tapestry to share photographs/videos of what your child has been up to outside of Nursery. These provide excellent communication opportunities between staff and children.
Snack money is £1 per week for part time children and £2 per week for full time children (This works out at only 20p per snack!). This provides a healthy snack each day (two per day for full time children), weekly fresh playdough and regular baking activities.
School Places:
Please be aware that having a Nursery place at Evelyn’s Nursery does NOT guarantee you a school place. School place admissions open in the autumn term prior to your child starting Reception. Please read the Admissions criteria for selection carefully to understand which children will be given priority, if there are not enough places available.
We look forward to another exciting year!
Miss Markland, Mrs Brown and Miss Stockley