Inspire afternoons are an important part of the curriculum at Evelyn. Each year, parents are invited to spend an afternoon in school. During this time, they are given the unique opportunity of working alongside their child, in a learning environment. Tasks are set by class teachers and focus on developing a range of skills, in a fun and creative way.
As a parent it provides an insight into how children learn and the approaches they take to completing a task.
Some examples of activities that have been set are:
• Creating a new adventure playground for a local park.
• A World War 2 afternoon making evacuation packs, writing letter to soldiers, making poppies and learning to jive.
• Designing and making a Hi-Vis jacket to keep teddies safe on a day out.
• Travelling back in time to the Ancient Egyptian period to learn about the process of mummification before making and decorating an Egyptian sarcophagus.
• Creating stained glass windows after a visit to Prescot Parish Church to look at theirs.
• Designing and making a photo frame. A variety of frames, from individual to a montage style were made.
The afternoons are very successful, with an average of 90% of parents attending.
Keep an eye out for the Dates in the Diary section of the web site. As a school, we enjoy watching the children work with their parents as it is equally rewarding for both, so if you can make it please do.