My name is Miss Ridgway and I am the current Butterflies teacher. I am excited to welcome you and your child into Butterflies class! This year is going to be full of fun and stimulating ways to learn. An important piece of information about me is how much I love to create fun and magic in the classroom. I have been at Evelyn for 3 years and wish to be here for many more!
In Butterflies your child will develop their knowledge and skills in creative and enjoyable ways, which will be adapted for their personal needs, through ARCS Curriculum. This curriculum allows your child to learn real life skills though a real life context.
Here are some pieces of important information that you may need:
Support staff
Currently Mrs Massie, Miss Dean, Mrs Heron and Ms McGlashan support our children in Butterflies. Mrs Brown covers the PPA time on Friday.
PE is on Monday.
Children are expected to come to school in their uniform and get changed into their P.E. kits. The children should wear a red t-shirt (Evelyn or plain), black shorts, trainers or pumps (based on the weather).
Library books should be brought in on Tuesday morning in their special book bags and will be changed for the following week.
Homework will be gradually introduced over the first term. It will be given out on Friday via Seesaw and is expected back via Seesaw on Wednesday of the following week. Guidance will be provided. Please support your child with each piece of homework. Spellings will be given out via Seesaw too and should be practised regularly using the ‘look, cover, write, check’ method, ready for a test on Friday.
Topics the children will have to look forward to include; Sci-Fi genres in English, ‘flight’ in History and printing in Art. My favourite topic is exploring plants in Science where we get to plant our own seeds to watch them grow.
I am delighted to be teaching your children this year and I’m excited to work together to create the best learning space for your children.
Miss Ridgway