
Evelyn CommunityPrimary School

‘Inspiring minds, nurturing dreams, learning for life’

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Government guidance emphasises that homework is to help your child to learn and should be planned carefully alongside the work done in class. There should be no new learning, but it should be an opportunity to practise what has been taught.
Classes are given their homework on a particular day each week, but it is up to families when they implement it.
Years 1 and 2 may do up to one hour per week.
Years 3 to 6 may do up to two hours per week.
At Evelyn C.P School, our homework tasks include: spellings linked to phonics, reading, times tables and a further grammar or number task in KS2.
Children are required to have access to Spelling Frame and Times Tables Rockstars. If this is a problem, parents are asked to contact the class teacher.

We've created a booklet for tips on learning at home.


  • Preparing for a learning journey
  • Creating a learning space
  • Positive thinking
  • Improving your sense of well being
  • Understanding different types of questions
  • Using ICT
  • How to undertake successful research