The aim of the Eco Rangers is to raise the profile of 'Eco' across the school through a number of initiatives by taking the lead on topics such as a recycling, healthy eating, gardening, littering and habitats.
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Intent of the Eco Curriculum
The intent for our Eco curriculum is to improve our children’s understanding of how to live and be part of a sustainable world and how they can be responsible citizens in a world where environmental issues grow more pressing by the day.
We aim to educate them across a wide range of issues from the biodiversity of life in their school and neighbourhood to their use of energy and water, both at school and at home, and how to deal with litter and waste.
Our aim is to see them become true global citizens where their personal impact can be felt on a much wider stage across the planet. All of these intentions link to our Core PSHCE Values of Physical Wellbeing, Global Citizenship and Mental Wellbeing and Mindset.
Implementation of the Eco Curriculum
Environmental topics are taught across the school from Ladybirds to Year 6 in a cross-curricular manner through subjects such as Science, Geography and PSHCE, where meaningful links are made.
Alongside this cross-curricular approach, our school engages in a wider approach through the ‘Eco Rangers’ initiative, to teach our children about environmental matters from working in our allotment planting flowers and vegetables, surveying the biodiversity of the species which live within the school grounds and engaging with the wider community for projects such as the ‘Great Big School Clean’ and our ‘Summer Farmer’s Market’. Our elected Eco Rangers take the lead on a number of initiatives across school and guide groups of children in litter picking, planting vegetables and improving the biodiversity of the school.
The school also takes part in the annual Green Flag Award that allows children to take part in a series of audits across school in the following areas: Healthy Living, Litter, Waste, Global Citizenship, Water and Marine Life, School Grounds, Transport, Biodiversity and Energy. Children are asked to audit the school in each of these areas and then an action plan is formulated for our three areas in need of improvement. By working towards a series of goals and targets and by involving the wider school through assemblies and peer to peer education, children have an opportunity to be part of a wider, sweeping change across school.