
Evelyn CommunityPrimary School

‘Inspiring minds, nurturing dreams, learning for life’

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Life in Modern Britain

Preparing Children for Life in Modern Britain

At Evelyn C.P. School we take seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain and the wider world. We ensure that fundamental values are introduced, discussed and experienced through the ethos and work of the school. They are taught explicitly through Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development pathways, as identified in the Student Exit Profile.



The School’s one rule of ‘respect’ ensures that this important value is the core principle on which the school ethos is built. 
This rule embraces the need to respect oneself, others and the world around us.


The school has agreed 22 Values for Living, which permeate all aspects of school life.
• Quality
• Unity
• Simplicity
• Freedom
• Friendship
• Peace
• Happiness
• Trust
• Respect
• Love
• Hope
• Patience
• Honesty
• Appreciation
• Caring
• Humility
• Courage
• Thoughtfulness
• Tolerance
• Responsibility
• Co-operation
• Understanding

We have highlighted certain values as being pertinent to the British tradition:


Individual Freedom

Pupils are always encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms through, for example: E-Safety, our Culture and Ethos Programme and ARCS Curriculum.



Tolerance is an acceptance that other people have different faiths and beliefs and that they should be accepted and not discriminated against. The global dimension of ARCS Curriculum ensures that pupils gain an understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society. Children are provided with varied opportunities to experience such diversity. Our R.E. syllabus promotes an understanding and sensitivity of the 6 world religions.



Personal responsibility is being accountable for one’s own life and the effects of actions and words on the lives of others. Praise is given to children who practise this.


In addition to the 22 Values for Living, the school has agreed a further three which truly promote British values.



Democracy is an understanding of how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process. An annual election provides the children with an opportunity to reflect a real life process as they select and vote for our school council. Children learn about past and current parliamentary systems in our country. The staff pays high regard to pupil and stakeholder voice and respond sincerely to suggestions.

Abiding by the Rule of Law

Having an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety. The importance of laws, whether they that govern the class, the school or the country are consistently reinforced. Children learn about our Justice system and how it works. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message. Our Gold Behaviour Award ensures the promotion of positive behaviour. Honesty is paramount to a happy school ethos.



Loyalty is being faithful to ones friends, country or government. This is taught through the teamwork and camaraderie that comes from; school trips, House Days, after school clubs and Adult Advocate groups. The annual Founder’s Day Service and school song promote a pride in belonging to Evelyn C.P. School. 
All of these values are reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Amnesty International (2008).


At Evelyn C.P. School we encourage our children to make a positive contribution in the local community and the wider world. We have produced a booklet called ‘Giving To Others’, which gives details of our work.
